Shoot 1 - 20th Jan 2020
On the first day of filming it didn't go all to plan as firstly the main actor, Matty came late to when we were we filming which meant that filming had to be delayed a little bit as make-up had to be put on Matty, which in a real production it would of cost the productions thousands of pounds as we would've had to film more on a different filming session. The problem was that we didn't have a contingency plan for this, so for example we could've planned for Someones absence or punctuality and decided if they came after a certain time we will film some other scenes which will help us minimise the cost of someone coming late. Jack was the Director or this filming session and showed us what he wanted to film and how he wanted it film
Shoot 2 - 22nd Jan 2020
On the Second day of filming I was scheduled to be involved, but I didn't check our filming schedule so that was my fault and I should've been more wary of the filming sessions and if this was real this would've cost us money as the filming would've took slightly longer. Even though I wasn't their the people on the production should've been more prepared with the props that were available as if this was all prepared it would've allowed for more filming to be done. They also noticed another problem which were that Tripod filming is essential as free handing filming is shaky and looks worse and doesn't look like a proper production. Another thing that we missed was actually looking where we were going to film in the Lab so we could plan where and how we were going to film.
Shoot 3 - 23rd Jan 2020
On the third day of filming Matty was once again the main actor as he is throughout the whole of the production, and the filming went smoothly and everyone who was scheduled came to the filming apart from one. Jack was filming in this scheduled session and the others members of the filming production helped out with how we were going to film each scene, and working the best angle out to film. After this session communicating much more effective and we were all really working well together. However after consulting with the members of the group we decided some scenes may need to be revisited.
Shoot 4 - 28th Jan 2020
On the fourth day of filming we ran into a couple of issues with the first issue being with the syringe that was supposed to be inserted into Mattys kept falling out and was staying in. We had to fix this fast otherwise it was going to cost us time meaning prolonging our production process, which would've cost us a lot of money if this was a real-life production. We just had to try our best and managed to film something but it wasn't a great shot so we decided that we would try and fix it during the editing process and put some effects over it to look more realistic. This caused a shortage of time to film the other scenes meaning the other scenes weren't as good as they could of been. We also forgot the food colouring which meant that it took more time.
Shoot 5 - 30th Jan 2020
On the fifth day of filming we ran into another problem where Laila who is our main actor wasn't here to film and as we still didn't improvise our contingency plan so what we decided as a group who were scheduled to film we had to try and film all of the scenes that Laila wasn't in to maximise the filming session we had so that we didn't have to prolonged our filming process which in the real world would help us prevent increasing costs of the production. Overall we managed to get enough scenes done. After this filming session it felt like people weren't as serious as they could've been as a lot of absent people from the sessions or making excuses (including me) so we had to try and make sure people are coming to the filming sessions. So we are hoping that everyone comes to the next session on time and prepared for what they are going to do.
Shoot 6 - 28th Jan 2020
On the sixth day of filming it was very underwhelming with very few people turning up even though most of the class was scheduled to film. We had 2 cameras that we could use for filming and Jack and Jacob were the designated filmers for this session. Laila was the main actor for this session and Carly was directing the filming session. We used tripods and used filming from different angles to try and put more variety in the film and to make it look better. We had to work harder to get the filming done as we didn't have as much people on the film.